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Thursday 16 January 2014

How to clean up your diet

Celeb Buzz

How to Clean Up Your Diet

Water Supply

Humans are about 70% water. Most people don't drink enough water and often times the sensation they believe to be hunger is actually thirst. To be effectively hydrated you should drink half your body weight in ounces per day (i.e. a 120 pound person should drink 60 ounces of water per day). Start each day with an 8 - 16 ounces glasses of water and add a pinch of quality sea salt to your water to add beneficial minerals. Artesian spring water is your best bet as most water filters do not remove all the harmful substances.

Skip the Gluten?

Studies show that more than 60% of people are sensitive to gluten. If you have blue or green eyes the percentage goes even higher. Gluten sensitivity can lead to bloating, poor digestion, skin issues, inflammation and mental fatigue, just to name a few side effects. For an at home test to see if you are sensitive, try removing gluten from your diet for 2 weeks. During this time period if you notice any difference in how you look and feel you should consider removing gluten from your diet. You may also get a blood test from your doctor for additional confirmation.
Common Sources of Gluten: 1. Most pastas (unless corn, rice or quinoa based) 2.Most breads ( i.e. rye, spelt, semolina) 3. Oats, barley, triticale, couscous, kamut
Hidden Sources of Gluten: Sausages (fillers), soy sauce, hydrolyzed plant/vegetable modified food starch, vinegars, 'natural flavorings' label, seasonings, gravies, sauces, ice cream, soup, beer, wine, whiskey, malt, vodka (grain based)
Gluten Free Options: 1. Regular and Sweet potatoes 2. Rice, Quinoa 3. Gluten free breads made of coconut flour or sorghum flour
Great Grains: Many grains are highly contaminated with mold and fungus, even organic ones. Limit grain consumption and when used, soak and rinse your rice, quinoa, oats and other grains.

White Stuff

Remove what are commonly referred to as the four white devils from your diet: white sugar, pasteurized dairy, table salt/iodized salt (not to be confused with sea salt), white flour. These foods have a direct adverse effect on your mind and body and can lead to any number of health issues, including high blood pressure, a weakened immune system, blood sugar issues, digestive issues and weight gain.

Oh No, GMO

Avoid GMO foods. Corn and soy are two of the biggest offenders, others include papaya, squash, and zucchini. Studies have shown that eating genetically modified foods can genetically modify your own cells and this can lead to accelerated aging and a variety of other health issues.

It's Organic

Whenever possible, choose organic. The toxic substances that are sprayed on produce and ingested by animals wind up in our body. The human body will store toxins that it is unable to detoxify in fat. You can't get rid of fat on your own body if you keep eating foods that are covered in toxic substances.

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